Your Word is Your Wand
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 Your Word is Your Wand

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Miss Shinn was an artist, an author and a metaphysics teacher in New York in the early part of the 20th century. Her books are remarkable and revolutionary in her times. They are profound, full of wisdom and have inspired thousands of people for several decades.
She taught that life is a game and in order to play it well, one must learn to understand the universal laws that govern it. She showed her students and readers how to win health, prosperity and happiness by mastering the game. By sharing real-life stories, she illustrates how positive attitudes and affirmations invariably succeed in making one a winner in life - able to control life‘s conditions and release abundance through knowledge of spiritual law.
Florence Scovel Shinn had the ability to explain her success principles and how they work in an entertaining and easy-to-read style. She can be considered one of last century‘s.
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Аудиокнигу «Your Word is Your Wand», автор которой — Florence Scovel Shinn, вы можете послушать на сайте или в приложении для iOS или Android. Книги, аудиокниги и комиксы электронной библиотеки Букмейт можно читать и слушать онлайн или скачивать на устройство, чтобы читать без интернета.