Салли Портерцитирует2 месяца назад
open re­volu­tion is an­other mat­ter. It is one mo­ment in the people’s life, and it is the price we have to pay for all our pro­gress. No doubt fear­ful things will hap­pen; they must in every re­volu­tion. But they will be isol­ated facts—ex­cep­tional fea­tures of an ex­cep­tional mo­ment. The hor­rible thing about this promis­cu­ous knif­ing is that it be­comes a habit. The people get to look upon it as an every­day oc­cur­rence, and their sense of the sac­red­ness of hu­man life gets blun­ted.
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